Daniel Berendt

Dr. Daniel Berendt is a family physician in private practice and serves as an elder in the Edmonton, Alberta congregation. He has attended God's church since the age of 5 growing up in many congregations across Canada. Besides living in the Pasadena area with his family as his father attended Ambassador College, he also became a student there later on. After Ambassador College he spent 8 years at the University of Alberta acquiring his medical training and post graduate residency in family medicine. He helps in the clinical training of young doctors and nurses and enjoys a widely varied medical practice. He and his wife Fern have 5 children ranging in age from 15 to 22, three girls and two boys. Daniel and Fern grew up together in the Ottawa church area during the 1970's and both claim to have married their childhood sweethearts. They enjoy travel and the adventure of watching their children grow into adulthood.